Beauty Q&A: Corina Crysler of GliSODin Skin Nutrients

As I mentioned in my post about my pre-wedding skincare routine, I started trying GliSODin Skin Nutrients for 3 months to give my complexion a little more oomph before the big day. Fast forward to two months of taking the Advanced Skin Brightening Formula and my skin is more radiant ever: I'm free of hormonal- and stress-induced breakouts and I'm skipping foundation and concealer almost daily.

GliSODin has also reduced the severity and duration of inflammatory reactions, stopping burgeoning blemishes in their tracks, preventing insect bites (something I'm very allergic to) from becoming too big, red, and itchy, and helping lingering inflammation and dark spots from past breakouts fade away. Plus (bonus!) the formula minimizes the damaging effects of sun exposure, which is perfect for summer. So how does GliSODin deliver the goods? I went straight to co-founder Corina Crysler for more info.

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