Life Lately

I've been so busy with beauty and bridal posts lately it seems like ages since I've filled you in on what's happening with me personally. Here's a glimpse.

Summer date nights. The boy's been traveling a lot for work and I had a spate of blogging events back in June, but generally we're enjoying the longer days and squeezing in as much quality time as we can. One of our favourite weekday rituals is meeting downtown post-workout. After Bar Method, I'll shower and walk up to his kickboxing gym, and then we'll grab a bite before heading home. We had a chance to take in a Bard on the Beach production several weeks ago and we're going to Theatre Under The Stars's production of Beauty and the Beast next.

A promotion at work. Most people who don't work in tech find the details of my 9-to-5 pretty dry, so I'll spare you the mind-numbing details, but I'm basically going to be training a new hire and taking on more responsibility in the coming weeks. The past month I've been both nervous and excited, and sometimes I wonder if I'm a masochist to be taking a new job so close to my wedding, but most days I think it's been interesting and worth the extra work.

A new baby nephew. He is SO CUTE. This is the first time the boy and I are uncle and auntie, so naturally we're totally smitten with the little guy!

Wedding planning. I've hit a point where all I can think is "I'm so over wedding planning!" I keep finding other projects that are more interesting in the moment. Seating charts? Whatever. Redecorate our living room? Okay! That being said, there are high points that still send a flutter of excitement through me, like when we picked up our marriage license, or when I dropped off my dresses for alterations at Kathryn Bass Bridal, or even last Sunday when I had my hair and makeup trial with Bre of Creme Bridal.

We also combined business with pleasure by checking out our ceremony site, the Stanley Park rose garden, on a gorgeous sunny Saturday. After we located it and strolled around admiring the blooms, we took a long walk along the seawall where we spotted tons of people playing Pokemon Go. (By the way, if our photographer Stephen is reading this, we want our photo taken in front of this big tree!)

Caprese salads. Remember the little herb garden in our patio makeover? I've been picking fresh basil all season long to enjoy with tomatoes and bocconcini. While I haven't been eating the other herbs as much (if at all), I love the touch of greenery they add to our balcony, and I've found watering and caring for them very soothing and relaxing.

Bar Method. Normally having so much on the go would be enough to send me into an anxiety spiral, but what's really helped me stay grounded is going to Bar Method classes 2-3 times a week (sometimes 4 if I'm feeling ambitious). My mind tends to wander in slower-paced activities like hatha yoga or meditation, but with Bar Method, the exercises require so much focus to maintain good form and push myself—and burn so intensely when done correctly—I have no choice but to remain mindful and in the moment. After a class, I'm always equal parts energized, exhilarated, and exhausted. I sleep deeper and approach the next day in much better spirits. Admittedly I started Bar Method purely out of vanity (what bride doesn't want to look amazing on the big day?) and the exercises have definitely helped me tone up and fit into my dress, but it's been my mental salvation more than anything.


  1. Firstly, thank you so much for your sweet comment on my health, and fingers crossed I'll only be getting better & better from here on in. And, I love life lately posts, so fun getting caught up and seeing all you've been up to. I love the living room re-vamp, congrats on the promotion (yay!) plus your dates sound so lovely!! xo


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