Tagged For Happiness

Gorgeous Anthea of Clothes Line Finds tagged me to list 6 unimportant things that make me happy. I've done something similar in the past when Arielle of Hautest Style tagged me for a meme, so I'll try not to repeat anything I said before and count other blessings in my life.
  1. Surprise text messages :)
  2. Custom MSN emoticons: I have one for almost every imaginable scenario, I swear.
  3. Pixar films. I need to get my copy of Wall-E, stat!
  4. The miniature train in Stanley Park, especially around Halloween and Christmas when they set up the Ghost Train and Bright Nights, respectively.
  5. Seriously incurable cases of the giggles.
  6. Cheese!

I'm tagging the following 5 bloggers to list what makes them happy:
  1. Being High Maintenance, Not Bitchy
  2. Koko Stiletto
  3. La Petite Fashionista
  4. Vulgar Moon
  5. La Couturier


  1. Thanks for tagging me! I saw Wall-E again last night - it was so cute!!! Totally agree with the custom emoticons, oh how I miss my old collection.

  2. thanks for tagging me hon! :)

    La C

  3. Thanks so much for me too!! i love text messages - especially when you are having a rough day and you whip out your phone to see nice messages from friends!


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