I also switch body lotions during the winter, replacing my usual Lubriderm SPF 15 lotion with Lubriderm Advanced 24 Hour Moisture and thereby sacrificing some sun protection for increased moisture. Last month, though, I noticed that my stand-by winter body lotion didn't seem to penetrate my skin. The top layer of my skin was soft, but it didn't have the glowing healthy look of my summer skin and I felt as though the soft outer layer of my complexion was floating over dry, lined, and unhealthy skin. When the bottle ran out, I was on the lookout for something that would hopefully make my skin healthier-looking. I picked up a bottle of St. Ives Collagen Elastin Lotion. It boasted two proteins--collagen and elastin--that were found in young, healthy skin and promised to firm up skin's appearance.

I wasn't impressed with the texture or the smell (an artificial lotion smell that wasn't nearly as yummy as the cucumber melon or Swiss vanilla St. Ives lotions) the first time I used it and I still think the smell takes getting used to, but to be fair to any new lotion I try out I decided to give it a couple of weeks and see. After about three or four weeks of daily use, I have seen a definite improvement in my skin. My arms and legs have a more vibrant glow, and that dry leathery look is gone from my calves. My skin even seems smoother and firmer, so I suppose there is something to the lotion's claim that it'll give you younger-looking skin, although the difference is subtle and not that dramatic.
My only complaint is that this lotion seems to clog my pores more easily than the Lubriderm stuff I was using before. Granted, I only have a couple of blemishes on my chest and my back that have gone away quickly, so it could be unrelated. Overall though, I think this is a great effective winter lotion; a huge bottle that costs less than $7 will last you for the entire season.
hahaha are you becoming a beauty product whore like me Lisa?
ReplyDeleteI think I am. :S